Sunday, 28 August 2016

MES 2016-2017 Assignment No. 2

MES Assignment No. 2


                               MES ASSIGNMENT NO. 2

      1.      Explain Architecture of 8051.
      2.      Explain internal memory organization of 8051.
      3.   Explain in detail Pin configuration of 8051.
      4.      Explain Interrupts of 8051.
      5.      Explain various modes of serial communication.
      6.      Explain any 10 instructions.
      7.      Explain Addressing modes of 8051.
      8.      Write a program on Arithmetic operations.
      9.      Write assembly language program for 8051 to multiply two 8 bit numbers stored in external memory locations 4000H and 4001H. Send the result on PORT 1 and PORT 3.
      10.  Write a program on Logical operations. 
      11.  Write assembly language program for 8051 to transfer message “BVCOE, Navi Mumbai” at the baud rate of 4800 in mode 1.
      12. Assuming crystal frequency 11.592 MHz, write an assembly language program for 8051 to generate square of 50 Hz at port pin P2.3.
      13. Write an assembly language program for 8051 to generate square of 2 KHz at port pin P1.1. Assume crystal frequency 12 MHz.
      14. Write an assembly language program for 8051 microcontroller to arrange block of ten numbers in asceding order.



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