Wednesday, 25 October 2017

ARM Architecture

ARM Architecture

Micro-Controller & Embedded Systems


Class materials at 

Follow us on Twitter for class news @OpenSecTraining. 

The playlist for this class is here:


Part 1: Introduction to ARM

Part 2: Introduction to ARM

Part 3: Introduction to ARM

Part 4: Introduction to ARM

Part 5: Introduction to ARM

Part 6: Introduction to ARM

Part 7: Introduction to ARM

Part 8: Introduction to ARM

Part 9: Introduction to ARM

Part 10: Introduction to ARM

Saturday, 14 October 2017

ARM Assembly Language Programming

Micro-Controller & Embedded Systems

ARM Assembly Language Programming

Go through this video and complete the programes given.

Wednesday, 11 October 2017

Online Quizz CO2 -11

Online Quizz CO2 -11

Microcontroller & Embedded Systems 


Click Here for Online Quizz CO2 -11



Online Quizz CO2 -10

Online Quizz CO2 -10

Microcontroller & Embedded Systems 

Click Here for Online Quizz CO2 -10




Online Quizz CO2 -9

Online Quizz CO2 -9

Microcontroller & Embedded Systems 

Click Here for Online Quizz CO2 -9




Online Quizz CO2 -8

Online Quizz CO2 -8

Microcontroller & Embedded Systems 

Click Here for Online Quizz CO2 -8




Online Quizz CO2 -7

Online Quizz CO2 -7

Microcontroller & Embedded Systems 

Click Here for Online Quizz CO2 -7



Online Quizz CO2 -6

Online Quizz CO2 -6

Microcontroller & Embedded Systems 


Click Here for Online Quizz CO2 -6



Online Quizz CO2 -5

Online Quizz CO2 -5

Microcontroller & Embedded Systems 


 Click here to start Quizz CO2 - 5




Thursday, 5 October 2017

Experiment List

Experiment List

Micro-Controller & Embedded Systems

Exp. No
Experiment Name
Numbering System and Logic Gates
Loading data in A and transferring to R0, R1 of bank 1
Addition of first 10 natural numbers
Addition of two 16 bit numbers
Subtraction of two 16 bit numbers
Multiplication of two 8 bit numbers
Division of two 8 bit numbers
Finding Smallest/Largest Number in the Array
Conversion of Hexadecimal number to Decimal Number
Performing logical operations, AND, OR, XOR, NOT
Generation of Square wave using timer
To transfer message serially to P1.5
Write a ARM assembly language program to display “Hello TEIT” "you name"
Write a ARM assembly language program to transfer block of data from one address to other address
Write a ARM assembly language program to add two 64 bit numbers.
Write a ARM assembly language program to convert hexadecimal to ASCII conversion
Write a ARM assembly language program to solve the equation 4x2 +3x... ... if x is stored in r1. Store the result in r0.
Write a ARM assembly language program to divide a 32-bit number by an 8 bit number

Online Quizz CO2 - 4

Online Quizz CO2 -4

Microcontroller & Embedded Systems


Online Quizz CO2 -4

Click here to start Quizz CO2 - 4


Online Quizz CO2 - 3

Online Quizz CO2 - 3

Microcontroller & Embedded Systems


Online Quizz CO2 -3

Click here to start Quizz CO2 - 3


Online Quizz CO2 - 2

Online Quizz CO2 - 2

Microcontroller & Embedded Systems


Online Quizz CO2 - 2

Click here to start Quizz CO2 - 2


Thursday, 28 September 2017

Assignment No. 4

Micro-Controller & Embedded System

1.      Explain in detail tasks and task scheduler.
2.      What is Interrupt Service Routines?
3.      Describe Semaphores, Mutex, Mailboxes.
4.      Explain priority inversion problem in Embedded system. How does it is resolved?
5.      Explain in detail: Off-the-Shelf Operating System
6.      Explain in detail: Embedded Operating System.
7.      Explain in detail: Real Time Operating System.
8.      Explain in detail: Handheld Operating System.
9.   Explain design of Digital Clock system with block diagram and components.
10. Explain design of Digital Camera system with block diagram and components.
11. Explain design of Battery operated  smart  card  reader system with block diagram and components.
12. Explain design of Automated  meter  reading  system with block diagram and components.

Saturday, 23 September 2017

Assignment No. 3

Micro-Controller & Embedded Systems

1.      Explain ARM programmer’s model.
2.      Explain CPSR of ARM 7 processor.
3.      Describe the principal features of the ARM architecture.
4.      Explain ARM development tool with block diagram.
5.      Explain the addressing modes of ARM7 processor.
6.      Write all ARM instructions.
7.      Write a program to display “Hello BVCOE, Navi Mumbai”.
8.      Write a program to Convert HEX value to ASCII.
9.      Write a program to divide 32-bit number by an 8-bit number.
10.  Explain the following instructions with suitable examples with respect to ARM processor. BLX, CMN, SWP, MVN, LDC.
11.  Write ARM assembly language program to find largest/smallest value from given two numbers.
12.  Write ARM assembly language program to find average of two numbers.
13.  Write ARM assembly language program to find the one's complement (inverse) of a number.
14.  Write an assembly language program to compute 4x2 +3x... ... if x is stored in r1. Store the result in r0.
15.  Write ARM assembly language program to add two 32 bit numbers.
16.  Write ARM assembly language program to add two 64 bit numbers.