Tuesday, 22 September 2015

MES Assignment No.4

      MES Assignment No. 4

      1.      Explain in detail tasks and task scheduler. 
      2.      What is Interrupt Service Routines? 
      3.      Describe Semaphores, Mutex, Mailboxes.
      4.      Explain priority inversion problem in Embedded system. How does it is resolved? 
      5.      Explain in detail : Off-the-Shelf Operating System.
      6.      Explain in detail : Embedded Operating System. 
      7.      Explain in detail : Real Time Operating System. 
      8.      Explain in detail : Handheld Operating System. 
      9.      Explain smart card reader system in detail. 
     10.  Design Digital Clock. 
     11.  Design Digital Camera. 


For Microcontroller & Embedded Systems, We are conducting some quizzes, For Quizz TWO Click below link.

Microcontroller & Embedded Systems Online Test II

Saturday, 12 September 2015


MES quizz II will be conducted on Tuesday 15th September, 2015. Test will be based on Chapter 2 and Chapter 3.

Friday, 4 September 2015

MES Assignment No.3

         1.      Explain ARM programmer’s model.
         2.      Explain CPSR of ARM 7 processor.
         3.      Describe the principal features of the ARM architecture.
         4.      Explain ARM development tool with block diagram.
         5.      Write all ARM instructions.
         6.      Write a program to display “Hello BVCOE, Navi Mumbai”.
         7.      Write a program to Convert HEX value to ASCII.
         8.      Write a program to divide 32 bit number by an 8 bit number.

Tuesday, 1 September 2015

MES Assignment No. 2

      1.      Explain Architecture of 8051.
      2.      Explain internal memory organization of 8051.
      3.   Explain in detail Pin configuration of 8051.
      4.      Explain Interrupts of 8051.
      5.      Explain serial communication.
      6.      Explain any 10 instructions.
      7.      Explain Addressing modes of 8051.
      8.      Write a program on Arithmetic operations.
      9.      Write assembly language program for 8051 to multiply two 8 bit numbers stored in external memory locations 4000H and 4001H. Send the result on PORT 1 and PORT 3.
      10.  Write a program on Logical operations.
      11.  Write assembly language program for 8051 to transfer message “BVCOE, Navi Mumbai” at the baud rate of 4800 in mode 1.

MES Assignment No.1

    1.      What is Embedded System? Which are the Application areas?
    2.      What are the Categories of embedded systems?
    3.      Explain embedded system architecture.
    4.      Explain CISC and RISC.
    5.      Explain in detail, DSP and SOC.